still, we made a decision on tuesday morning (april 1) to change our tickets, and leave india 8 days early. tuesday evening, we were on a flight to thailand. we needed to leave; it felt right to leave. india is not for the faint of heart. it's a very sad and wounded place. i don't think that i can even share all that india did to us, but, i will say that as we were waiting for our 3:30 am flight to bangkok, joe and i had one of those talks. those talks that you pray for. the ones where god moves in your heart, and moves you to grow. joe started sharing one of the many incredible stories we collected in india, and instantly we both were moved to tears. together in a little indian coffee shop, we cried for the sadness that drowns this country. honestly, if we stayed any longer, we would have been drowning too. even as i share, there's a lump in my throat, it hurts. india was just too overwhelming to commit eight more days to. i know its impact will stay with us much longer.
so now (deep breath), we are in this cyber cafe in bangkok, trying ot figure out how we want to spend these extra days! we could stay in thailand, perhaps find a little thai island to frolic in, or head to cambodia? or southern china, singapore, malaysia? the change brings refreshment, and it feels good.
today marks day 44. so much ahead, and we're excited. i'll share the india stories as we upload more pictures, uploading pics has been a bit of a challenge lately. the stories and pictures will give you a glimpse of our wanderings through india.
sounds like there's a lot there for you guys to process, it reminds me of the question jesus asked the disciples, "can you drink this cup?"
I just finished catching up with your pictures from bali, tokyo, and india - thanks for giving us these small glimpses into your journey!
after reading your thoughts, i'm left with a big sigh and a 'hmmm'. you are both in my prayers, thank you for being so open and honest with us. i appreciate you both.
Enjoy some yummy thai food for me! I'm craving it! Love you guys!
Oh yeah, glad that I could talk with you yesterday too!!! hee hee :o)
Praying for you!
I've got great friends in Batam (right by Singapore)'d love them and they'd love you, and I know you'd be welcomed. Let me know if you'd like to get in touch with them. If you don't have my email still, let Scott know and we can get in touch that way!
Lisa P (Scott's sis)
Sad you are sick. Love your pics. Love you.
love you both cussies. praying for you.
i'm so glad that God is stretching you and taking you to those deeper places! we love, love, love you!
I can't wait to hear your stories and learn from you both. Enjoy the next chapter in your travels. Miss you! Melody
I am glad that you are safe in BBK. Love, dad
Loved all the India pictures. Can't wait to hear more of the stories. Wanida with a cup of tea in front of the STD sign, priceless.
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